"We are going to have to work with people in the Muslim faith even as Islam faces a serious crisis within it," Rubio said.Trump on Thursday appeared to try to appear more presidential, something he has pledged often in the past to do so but never has. There is tremendous hate," Trump said.S. He has previously talked of "knocking the hell" out of ISIS without offering specifics.The two-hour debate included a sober discussion of pressing challenges from illegal immigration to reform of Social Security to free trade deals, a marked departure from the finger-pointing schoolyard taunts that the candidates have engaged in past debates. "We'll build our factories here and we'll make our own products.Kasich, looking to win his home state of Ohio on Tuesday in order to keep his candidacy going, said Middle Eastern allies in the Arab world are essential.Clinching the Republican nomination requires 1,237 delegates.""We have a serious problem of hate..”It was the most detailed view yet of Trump's thinking about Islamic State.Trump said that Muslims hate the United States at a recent CNN debate. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich said the United States needs to maintain good relations with Muslim countries in the Middle East to air jet loom help in the fight against Islamic State militants.S."If you go anywhere in the world you're going see American men and women serving us in uniform that are Muslims," he said.S."Anyone out there that has the uniform of the United States on and is willing to die for this country is someone that loves America," he added."But Cruz, looking to emerge as Trump's central challenger and consolidate the party's anti-Trump vote, said the New York billionaire's tariff plan would only lead to higher prices for American consumers because companies from the exporting country would increase prices. He said he would offer a path to legal status, but not citizenship to the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the country.

Trump, the front-runner who could tighten his grip on the Republican presidential nomination battle if he wins Florida and Ohio on Tuesday, defended his belief, as stated in television interviews, that followers of Islam "hate us.He acknowledged he has taken advantage of that visa program in order to bring in foreign workers to work at some of his own resort properties.But Trump's rivals, U.Trump said he would consider between 20,000 to 30,000 U.Trump said his goal is to encourage production of goods on American soil.Trump got a fresh injection of campaign momentum on Thursday with plans by rival Ben Carson, who is popular with conservatives, to endorse him. We're going to come up with solutions, we're going to find the answers to things, and so far I can't believe how civil it has been up here," Trump said.


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"Clinical recommendations advising against the regular consumption of caffeinated products to prevent disturbances of the heart's cardiac rhythm should be reconsidered, as we may unnecessarily be discouraging consumption of items like chocolate, coffee and tea that might actually have cardiovascular benefits," said Gregory Marcus from UCSF. Excessive premature atrial contractions (PACs) have beenshown to result in atrial fibrillation, stroke and death, while excessive premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) have been shown to result in increased heart failure, coronary artery disease and death. Currently it is believed that regular caffeine consumption causes heart- or stroke-related morbidity.

Coffee lovers, relax! Contrary to current belief, regular caffeine consumption does not lead to extra heartbeats, which causes heart- or stroke-related morbidity and mortality in rare cases, scientists, including one of Indian-origin, have found."This was the first community-based sample to look at the impact of caffeine on extra heartbeats, as previous studies looked at people with known arrhythmias," said lead author Shalini Dixit, a fourth-year medical student at UCSF.Both abnormalities have been tied to caffeine consumption through studies and trials, but these studies were performed several decades ago and did not use PACs and PVCs as a primary outcome.


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While it would be cruel of fate to deny him that chance if that’s what he really wants, his tremendous service to humanity certainly doesn’t need the accolade of a prison sentence. I found him sitting on the pavement under a tree outside the Bangladesh deputy Iro weft accumulator high commission in Calcutta, surrounded by handwritten posters, protests and petitions against what he was convinced was an international child trafficking racket hand in glove with key Bangladeshis. Denial suggests an uncharacteristic reluctance to claim credit for an epochal achievement.. But one didn’t expect them to relinquish credit for the single-most important achievement of saffron triumphalism — proving that while others erect, the Sangh Parivar pulls down. With joblessness rising and the growth rate falling, Mr Advani, Mr Joshi, Ms Bharti and company don’t have to go to a BJP jail to prove they are steeped in saffron. Whether or not they are guilty of the charges against them, Indians expected Sangh Parivar leaders proudly to proclaim that, yes, they destroyed the mosque to cleanse Hinduism’s sacred spaces of the invaders’ encroachment.

File photo of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya (Photo: PTI) Most people are baffled by the modesty of Hindutva stalwarts like Lal Krishna Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti and others facing trial in Lucknow in the Babri Masjid case. When I first met him in the early 1970s, he had just been thrown out of Bangladesh for inquiring too closely into the fate of slum hildren whom European — Dutch, I seem to remember — agencies took away ostensibly for adoption but who were never heard of again. They could also have argued that the Prime Minister has extended Vedic bliss to include genetic scientists who can bring legions of Karnas to life outside the maternal womb and plastic surgeons able deftly to chop and paste to produce armies of Ganeshas. Addressing the same crowd the next day, Mr Modi said: “I need not say anything as the Prime Minister had said enough in his speech yesterday, but I would like to repeat one of his statements ‘Achhe din aane waale hain’.We haven’t been in touch for some years. A retiring Rajasthan judge goes farther to claim the peacock is a lifelong “brahmachari” whose tears the asexual peahen swallows to become pregnant. Dr Preger founded the Calcutta Rescue charity which has helped over half a million people in the past 38 years. Gandhi, Nehru and the others did.


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A senior Water Ministry source said that the government’s inability to impose any fine or serve notices directly to polluters necessitates passing of a law to do so to arrest river pollution. Real-time monitoring systems have been installed in 556 units out of which 232 units have already been connected to a central server. Another component that the draft Ganga Act, being worked upon by a committee, headed by Justice (Retd. That is the reason, the sources added, why Union water minister Uma Bharti is pushing for speedy passage of the law for which she is even garnering support from all quarters, including ministers in her own government.”

As per official estimates, about 14,000 metric tonnes of solid waste is generated in five Ganga basin states, most of which goes into the river.) Girdhar Malviya, would have is banning of use of polythene during festive celebrations along the river.” The creation of a central authority under the water ministry at par with the CPCB is also on the anvil. Total sewage generation in the Ganga basin states is more than 12,000 million litres per day Gap in treatment of sewage waste is about 6,334 million litres per day. Compulsory real-time online monitoring of effluent discharge from industries may also figure in the draft, the sources said.”Total 392 towns located in 5 major states of the Ganga basin: Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.The Union River Rejuvenation Ministry, also headed by Uma Bharti, has been facing deadlocks with the Ganga river basin states, specifically Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, that have resulted in hardly any improvement in the state of affairs of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious Namami Gange project.


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Responding to a question on his recent US tour and the "Howdy, Modi!" event, the prime minister said it was not him, but the 130 crore countrymen who were responsible for the growing international clout of India. Ensure that a &prewinder39;milan samaroh' is held once a year," Modi said. The Kashi Vishwanath Dham corridor is changed now and the visitors express their happiness at this.Four generations of workers have toiled," he said, while advising the party # cadre to reach out to the old workers in groups.Modi also said when we celebrate Diwali with our family members, it is our duty to convey our best wishes to those who work for us, at the borders and within the country, whether they belonged to the security forces, were police or National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) personnel.Stating that the lanes of Varanasi were its pride, he said, "Earlier, one would find it difficult walking through the lanes, which were encroached, to have a darshan of Bhole Baba and Ma Ganga.Till a few years ago, only 40 per cent people in the country had access to toilets, he said, adding that in the last 60 months, 60 crore toilets were built, to drive home the point that focussed efforts were required to maintain the tempo for the Swachh Bharat initiative. Addressing the party workers ahead of Diwali via a video link, Modi said this festive season, people should make it a point to buy Khadi products.

The prime minister said the Swachh Bharat campaign or the cleanliness drive launched by his government was not limited to a few days as a token, but was a lifelong effort if people were actually interested in bringing about a change in the society.Modi said as people had started to shun single-use plastic, it was also important to take care of garbage and recycle it.Without the support of the residents of Varanasi, this would not have been possible, the prime minister said. He said he recently saw on television that a person had stared a "garbage restaurant", where a customer could pay using plastic for food. Workers of the Apna Dal, an ally of the BJP, also attended the event.Modi said as people had started to shun single-use plastic, it was also important to take care of garbage and recycle it.."In the process, thousands of ancient temples, which were buried underneath, were found and Varanasi got a new identity, Modi said, adding that most people knew that the entire "darbar" (court) of "Baba" was now present in the city.


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The ED has provisionally attached some of the properties belonging to Modi in connection with PNB fraud.After conducting hearing of ED officers and the person who is holding, possessing or owning the property, the authority will decide if the provisional attachment is to be made,” he said.  This property seizure comes after the ED had frozen Rs 30 crore in a bank account and seized shares worth Rs 13. The crackdown on immovable properties began after the government moved the Mumbai bench of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) to confiscate all the properties owned by Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi.A former ED official on condition of anonymity said that the purpose of attaching property is to recover the proceeds of the crime. The Enforcement Directorate has seized 21 immovable properties under PMLA .

The Enforcement Directorate (ED), as part of its probe in the PNB scam, has seized 21 immovable properties worth Rs 523. But that action of attachment is subject to adjudication.When contacted, advocate Hiten Venegaonkar, who is handling a number of ED cases, explained the procedure involved in attaching a property. They had also made an unusual discovery, where they found a huge quantity of imported watches stacked in 176 steel almirahs, 158 corrugated boxes & 60 plastic containers. Since properties are provisionally attached, the ED would first need to confirm the attachment and would also need Modi to be convicted to go ahead with recovery of money from those attached properties.


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Instead of degrading ayurveda by fitting it into the mechanistic paradigm, it is time to evolve a biodiversity of health and knowledge systems.The holistic sciences like ayurveda are based on inter-connectedness and living processes while “modern medicine” is based on a mechanistic paradigm of separation, reductionism, fragmentation and on pharmaceuticals derived from the chemicals and dye industry over 100 years ago.)Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah has been our philosophy and the objective which guides all science, technology and knowledge.There have been many objections to the bill. This is a “knowledge apartheid” which prevents us from obtaining real answers on how to live healthy lives.We pray — Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah| Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet| Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih! (Om, May All Beings Be Happy, May All be Free from Illness. Food is not “mass”; it is living, it’s the source of life and health.. They have been assessed in the context of contributing to the well-being of all.It has thus evolved as an ecological and a systems science, not a fragmented and reductionist one.

There is an intimate connection between the soil, plants, our gut and brain. The bill seeks to allow practitioners of ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, unani, siddha and homoeopathy to practice modern medicine once they complete a short-term “bridge” course. Bayer and Monsanto are now merging. The first is holistic and sees connections between the health of the planet and our health. Today, biological sciences are gaining an understanding that the body is not a machine; it’s a complex, self-organised and self-regulated ecosystem. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.In the United States and Britain, intense debates are taking place over  Obamacare and the NHS, on whether health is a public good or a privatised commodity for sale. (Representational image) Across the world, there is an intense contest emerging between two paradigms of health and two paradigms of science. A loss of diversity in our diet creates ill-health.The toxic chemical industry is responsible for many of the chronic disease epidemics we face.


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In these tricky times, a memorable Mohammed Hanif phrase must suffice by way of elaboration: "Khan has politicised a whole generation, only to deliver it into servitude to Pakistan’s old establishment. But things aren’t so simple in a hybrid regime.Imran is now effectively a lame duck at the centre, the IMF straitjacket and the snatching away of key ministries from his control ensuring that.That Imran has proved rubbish at managing the provinces, and thereby undercut the rationale of the hybrid regime, has obscured the point that the provinces can’t be managed from the centre.By now, it’s apparent to all — or at least to anyone willing to look — what this is.But if what’s gone wrong is obvious and how we’ve got to this miserable point in double-quick time is fairly clear, there’s a more fundamental problem with the hybrid regime: it can’t work, no matter who is trotted out to front it.

And that we still have Imran is both the good news and the bad.The periodic shopping around for a useful idiot to nominally run the show was more straightforward in times past: pick a technocrat or select a traditional politician.By arrangement with Dawn. Or perhaps in finding their latest useful collaborator the competence deficit is more than what had been hoped for. Just because Imran is flailing around doesn’t automatically have to mean that a better frontman can never be unearthed. But the internal contradictions of a hybrid regime are too many and too varied to be adequately and sustainably overcome.


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